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Dr.Simbab le Marin | Dr.Simbab le Marin


Dr.Simbab le Marin, MD, Ph.D

北京精诚医药科技集团首席医学官(CMOGiantCRO);中国生物技术协会皮肤黏膜再生与修复分会秘书长Chief Secretary, TCMRR)

Dr. Simbab le Marin是一名胸外科医生。曾供职于北京大学第三医院、格拉斯哥大学医学院、爱丁堡大学医学院、美国梅奥诊所。早年就读于北京大学医学部MD爱丁堡大学(MD)、格拉斯哥大学(MD)、谢菲尔德大学(Ph.D 流行病学);目前担任北京精诚医药科技集团首席医学官;中国生物技术协会皮肤黏膜再生与修复分会秘书长欧洲创伤学会委员;CGCP II~IV》副主编。Dr. Simbab le Marin二十余年临床、流行病、生物统计等领域经验;在创新药及突破性疗法临床研究方案设计、国际多中心临床试验、靶点筛选及研发策略制定等方面有深厚的专业积累。


Dr. Simbab le Marin is the current Chief Medical Officer of GiantCRO, one of the long-historical and reputable domestic clinical trial organization performers. In addition to that, Dr. Simbab le Marin shoulders on the following social and academic key roles: Vice-Chief EditorII~IV CGCP Series》;Chief Secretary of TCMRR; Member of EWMA; Dr. Simbab le Marin tracking with experiences with MayoClinic CMO of China Referral for one year before joining in GiantCRO;  Avec a longhorn career of a chirurgien thoracique, served at 3rd PKU, Medical College Glasgow University, Medical College Edinburgh University, and Mayo Clinic, Dr. Simbab le Marin has been devoting comprehensive academic contributions on effective EBM and technology transferring among clinical, new drug and device innovations, Bio-equivalence evaluation, independent committee operations,  Data & Algorithm Simulation etc. Laurels fm Pekin University (MB); Glasgow University(MD); Edinburgh University(MD); Sheffield University(Ph.D).
